Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Random WalMart Bathroom Chatter

IMG_1190Tonight Autumn & I had to go to WalMart to get some groceries.  Of course she waits until we’re at the very back of the store to tell me that she needs to go potty.  So, we trekked back up to the front of the store.  I stood by the check out lines and told her to go potty.  She wouldn’t b/c she wanted me to go w/ her.  We finally compromised that I would stand outside the bathroom while she went in, b/c I couldn’t go in since we had a cart full of groceries. 

While she was in there she kept talking to me the whole time to make sure I was still there waiting for her.  I’m sure if there was anyone in there, they must have been listening to us and thinking we were weirdos.  LOL!

When we got home, we got the groceries put away and then Mom came over around 7:20 so I could go to the church for a few meetings.  I just love Bishop Atkinson.  He such a neat man.  I also had a Justserve meeting, and I didn’t get home until 9:45 pm.  I was good and went to bed at 10:00 b/c I was so tired.

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