Sunday, August 18, 2013

Setting The Skunk Free & A Sunday Tradition

IMG_9986Dad called this morning around 8:30 and told us to get dressed b/c he & Mom were coming over to pick us up in the truck and that they had a surprise for us.  He had put the live trap out in the garden to catch some rabbits that keep eating the vegetables.  Well, he didn’t catch a rabbit…he caught a skunk!!!  He had to put this tarp over it so he wouldn’t get sprayed.

IMG_9990 We drove out to the lake to let him go, but he wouldn’t come out of the cage, so Dad took the tarp off.  We were worried he would come running out of there or that he would spray us.  He didn’t…he just slowly crawled out and went under the fence.  The whole thing was a bit anticlimactic, but we still had fun and are glad they called us and invited us to go.

IMG_9997We rushed home, got cleaned up, and headed off to church.  After church we came home & watched Hello Dolly and then our new home teachers came over to introduce themselves and share a lesson.  After they left, Autumn & I worked on putting the new Project Life Slate edition into the pocket pages.  This picture makes me SO HAPPY b/c Autumn wanted to help.  She’s never really shown much interest in it in the past, so this was a big step!

P1100416Our Sunday tradition is to snuggle in bed & watch a movie while we eat a bowl of chips.  Usually we’re over at Mom & Dad’s, but tonight we just stayed and did it at our house.  We picked 17 Miracles b/c it’s a good Sunday movie.  We didn’t have any big bags of chips, so we just opened a few of the little snack size ones that Autumn puts in her lunches.  I love this tradition we’ve started.  It’s a great way to spend some relaxing time together before the crazy week starts!

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