Saturday, August 17, 2013

Girl’s Night Luau Party

IMG_1201 I got up at 6:30 this morning and drove down to the temple in Dallas.  It was fun to drive fast on the freeway in the Corvette w/out a lot of traffic on the roads.  I didn’t get to see the new video today, b/c there was someone in the session that needed to listen to it in a different language on a headset.  But, the things that matter are the same, and I’m thankful I was able to be there.

P1100412 When I got back to Mom & Dad’s house, Autumn & I just hung out and watched TV for a while.  We were going to go swimming, but Karri was taking me up to the dealership to pick up my car.  It ends up that the “electronic throttle body” had burned out.  I did some research online & this is a known issue w/ the Ford Escapes, but Ford doesn’t warranty it and won’t do a recall to fix the problem.  It was a really expensive fix, but it had to be done.  Karri was so happy that she got to drive the Corvette home.

After that, Autumn & I came home so we could get ready for our Girl’s Night Luau party at our house.  I vacuumed, cleaned the bathrooms, put away all our clean laundry, and even cleared off the kitchen table.  It hasn’t been cleared off completely since Christmas last year!  Autumn was a good helper and mopped the kitchen and helped me decorate.  Then she had a little melt down b/c she was tired.  I thought she had gone in her room and fallen asleep, but obviously not, and she did NOT want me taking a picture of her.  LOL!

P1100414Liz came over & helped set up the Hawaiian haystacks buffet on the kitchen island.  We started at 6:30 & it was just her & Alison & I until 8:00 when Katie was able to come.  It was WONDERFUL to spend time w/ these awesome ladies and reconnect and catch up and eat and talk and laugh.  Autumn was such an angel girl the whole time and stayed in my room watching Annie.  We finally called it a night at 10:30 pm when Liz kept falling asleep b/c it was past her bedtime.  I’m so thankful for good friends!

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