Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Haircut & Halloween Book

P1110018 Today after dinner, we had a few minutes before we had to leave.  So, Dad took Autumn outside to practice bouncing the basketball with her.  She kept trying to do it one-handed and he kept telling her to just do it two-handed until she got the hang of it.  I hope she didn’t inherit my lack of coordination when it comes to sports.

IMG_1446 She went w/ me to get my haircut at 6:30.  I was way overdue for a haircut, and figured it could be an early birthday present to myself.  After we got done, we came home and I put her to bed and then took a shower to wash off all the little hairs that were irritating my neck.  I always shower in the morning, so it felt like a fun luxury to shower at night and then change into clean & comfy jammies.  I also wanted to do a Biore pore strip, which I haven’t done in a long time.  Am I the only one that still uses these things?  I’m weird and like the part where I rip it off and then can see all the nasty stuff it pulled off my nose.

IMG_1442 I loved curling up on the couch and finishing this book.  It was a fun read for the Halloween season.  I may or may not have slept w/ the lamp on in my room.

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