Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Self Defense & Birthday Vandalism

IMG_1449Tonight we had combined Young Women’s & had Brandon come and teach us about self defense.  Usually I’m not a fan of things like this, but he did such an INCREDIBLE job!  I left there thoroughly impressed, which is saying a lot.  First, he talked to us about the differences between fights & attacks.  It was very informative & he shared things I hadn’t thought about before.

Then we got into the meat & potatoes of the lesson.  He had us all pair up and he taught us that if someone is grabbing us, the best way to get out of their grip is to twist your wrist or arm towards their thumb, b/c that is the weakest part of the hand.

IMG_1450 Then he taught us the 3 C’s of what to do if someone is charging towards you to attack you.  You Cover, Charge & Counter.  He said you should put your hand on top of your head and then grab your shoulder w/ your other hand.  That protects your head, jaw, and it gives you 2 pointy things to charge with … your elbows.  If someone is coming towards you, then you step into them and will hit them w/ your elbows in the chest or neck or face.  You can use your whole body weight to push them w/ your elbows, and then you bring your hands together (as is demonstrated here) and push them in the face to give you a chance to run away.

That was just a small portion of what he taught us, and it was super helpful, he made it fun, and I left there feeling empowered.  It was a fabulous activity.


I came home to this surprise in the front yard.  At first, I thought someone had toilet papered our house.

P1110022 But then I saw this cute balloon on the garage and realized I was birthday vandalized.  I thought Mom & Autumn had done it while I was at Young Women’s, but it was actually Liz!  It was such a fun surprise to come home to!

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