Thursday, January 2, 2014

This Moment In Time

P1110453 Since yesterday felt like a Saturday, it was weird to get up this morning to go to work/daycare.  Autumn had fun playing Legos in the back room w/ Andrew.  We got a package from Oma & Opa & Melitta, and it had a bunch of Kinder Eggs in it.  YAY!  They also sent some super fuzzy & warm socks, which Autumn is modeling here. 

IMG_2174 I had to sneak a picture of her tonight getting ready for bed.  Our routine is that I go in and kneel down at her bed while she goes potty, brushes teeth, and puts her dirty clothes in the hamper.  Then she climbs on my back and says her prayers.  She just looks so grown up here, and it makes me so sad & yet so happy at the same time.  The past 6 years have just flown by & I can’t believe she’ll be 7 in a few weeks.  But at the same time, I’m so glad that she’s happy & healthy & growing & becoming her own independent person.  I can’t even express how much I love her and how thankful I am that I get to be her mother.  I wanted to capture & pause this moment in time.

IMG_2175Once I got her to bed, I snuggled up on the couch & watched Parenthood (I LOVE that show) & I treated myself to one of these Turtles.  They are SO GOOD!  It was a great way to wrap up my first Thursday of 2014.

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