Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter 2014 ~ Sunday

IMG_2942HAPPY EASTER!!!  #BecauseofHim we can be together forever!  I’m hers, and she’s mine for eternity!!!  We got up this morning, got ready for church, & enjoyed a beautiful Easter program.  I’m so thankful for all that my Savior did, and continues to do for me.

IMG_1818 After church we came home, changed clothes, & went over to Mom & Dad’s.  Baby Adam looked so handsome in his cute onesie.  He’s such a happy baby!

IMG_1825 Jackson was cracking me up as he walked around the house eating this huge piece of chocolate.  He was holding onto that Avengers kite for dear life, too!  For dinner we had Mom’s delicious ham bone soup (at Lexie’s request), and pumpkin pie w/ whipped cream for dessert.

IMG_1827 After dinner, we had a little Family Home Evening lesson, b/c Andrew had come up w/ a great analogy using a little pin ball game he had.  Jackson just wanted to hang on Papa & wrestle instead of listen to the lesson.  They are such cute buddies.

IMG_2953 We were so sad when Lexie & Jon & the boys packed up to leave and go home.  We all went outside to say goodbye & give them one more hug.  We noticed that our neighbor, Mr. Jim, was outside working in his yard.  Dad went over to say hi, and next thing you know, Dad was over there with his own pickaxe.  Mr. Jim said that a pizza delivery guy (who was at the wrong house by the way) ran into his mailbox!  We try really hard to keep the Sabbath Day holy by resting from daily work.  However, we also know that helping a neighbor in need and doing service is what the Savior would do.  My Dad is such an incredible example of giving Christ-like service.  Not only did we help install the new one, we dug out the old one.

IMG_2960 Autumn had my cell phone & snapped this picture of us.  Yes, that’s me carrying the big old post & mailbox!  I might be overweight, but I’m surprisingly strong!!!  What better way to spend an Easter Sunday afternoon then helping others?

IMG_2955Mr. Jim said he would just fill in the hole w/ concrete & dirt tomorrow, but of course Dad wouldn’t hear of that!  Once he starts a job, he wants to finish it.  So, Mr. Jim went & got the concrete he had in his garage & Dad brought over his wheelbarrow & shovel & they mixed it together & poured it in and filled up the hole.  Autumn & I enjoyed looking at this beautiful trumpet vine while we held the mailbox up & waited for them to come back.  I’m glad we were able to help Mr. Jim.

I’m so thankful for Dad & his incredible example of love, service, hard work, & being a person who stays until the job is done!


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