Thursday, June 26, 2014

New Cheer Team & Last Day Of Swim Lessons

IMG_2329 Today was CRAZY!  We had 3 big things going on today.  On Thursdays her daycare goes to the local splash pad, so she had to wear her daycare shirt & take a change of clothes.  As soon as I picked her up from daycare, we had to rush over to Mom & Dad’s, scarf down some chicken divan for dinner, and then go to her new cheer coach’s house for their first team meeting.  We had to switch teams this year, b/c her team from last year (that we LOVED) is going to hold practices on Sundays.  That’s not part of how we keep our Sabbath Day Holy, so we asked to be put on another team.  The girls got fitted for their uniforms for the upcoming season, we met Coach Gayle, and went over some business items about the upcoming season and what is expected.

IMG_2341 We had to leave just a few minutes early, in order to make it to the last day of swim lessons in time.  Andrew had come w/ us to the cheer meeting and was so good and patient the whole time.  The last day of class is always “safety day” so the kids have to wear a set of full clothing and shoes and jump in and swim that way for half the class.  That way they know and feel what it’s like to be in the pool w/ your clothes on, just in case they ever fall in a pool in real life.  It won’t scare them or freak them out, they’ll know what to do even w/ their wet clothes on.  As you can see, it didn’t inhibit Autumn at all.

DSCN0862 We were sad that Ms. Cis didn’t teach the kids this year b/c they’re older.  But, we still love Mr. Steve and are glad he was w/ them this year again.

DSCN0878 The kids had to take their wet clothes off in the deep end, and then tread water.  They both did a great job.

IMG_2357 At the end of their 2 weeks, they always get a “graduation” pin, and I always make sure we get a picture.  This year Mr. Steve’s helper was Ms. Heather.  As much as we love these 2 weeks of swim lessons, I am glad they are done and we’ll have our evenings free again.

IMG_2338 Last week Mr. Steve gave us Autumn’s picture that she drew him from last year (the one on top) and said he keeps the artwork that kids give him on his fridge.  He asked if Autumn & Andrew would make him another sign for this year.  Autumn’s note to Mr. Steve for this year is on the bottom.

IMG_3955 I surprised the kids by taking them to Sonic to get a half priced shake in celebration of their last day of swim lessons.  YAY!!!

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