Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Babies, Sunset, & Volleyball

IMG_4867 Mom brought Lexie & Adam up here to stay for a few weeks.  Mimi is SO HAPPY to have her 2 youngest grandbabies, Olivia & Adam, together.  It was wonderful having so many people gathered around the dinner table tonight (Mom, Dad, Me, Autumn, Lexie, Nick, Nate, & Riannon).

P1120255 I stopped at WalMart tonight before heading to Mutual to pick up some pictures and to see if they had any volleyballs.  They had all sorts of basketballs, footballs & soccer balls, but not a single solitary volleyball.  What’s up w/ that???  Anyways, this was the gorgeous fiery sunset I got to see on my way out!

P1120268 For our YM/YW combined activity in October, we usually do a Fall Fest.  However, the youth decided they would rather play sand volleyball.  Us leaders were all for that, b/c it’s so much easier to plan and put together.  It was 90 degrees tonight, but there was a nice wind so that made it tolerable weather wise.  The youth had a lot of fun just being together and playing or talking.  We had ice cream sandwiches for dessert and then sent them home.  I love activities like this!

1 comment:

Jen T said...

What cute babies! Love the sunset picture and your youth look awesome! what a fun activity!