Oh, man! I didn’t get very much sleep last night b/c I had to sleep in my recliner. I tried sleeping in my bed but the back pain was so intense that I couldn’t sleep. At least in the recliner I was able to sleep for a few hours at a time between waking up. I really hope my back goes back to normal soon, b/c it makes EVERYTHING hard to do when it hurts! Even little things I take for granted like being able to put on pants, bending over to pick something up, washing dishes, etc. It takes a real effort to do those little things. By the afternoon my back had loosened up a little bit, and I’m glad so that Autumn & I were able to go to church.
It was SO NICE to not have any meetings before or after church today! Plus, I didn’t have to teach since it was a 5th Sunday & the Bishopric talked about how to keep Christ the focus of our CHRISTmas. I was able to just sit back & relax & listen & enjoy. We came home, changed clothes, and went over to Mom & Dad’s. Curt & Mary came over & brought us a big fried turkey. We had sandwiches, leftovers, and pie w/ them for dinner.

We spent time w/ Sofia, b/c she is leaving tonight to go back home. It has been SO NICE having her here. She’s not your typical snotty 13 year old. She was so sweet and polite, and her and Autumn got along really well. We will miss her for sure & hope she comes back soon for another visit.
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