Sunday, November 2, 2014

Young Women Combined Lesson

IMG_5035 Today at church I got to teach all the Young Women combined.  I have had a lesson planned for over a month, but I felt impressed this week to teach a different lesson from October about Christ-like love.  We’ve had a lot of issues with girls grouping off and leaving other girls out.  I was so glad that we sang this as the dismissal hymn after sacrament meeting.  Verse 3 especially stood out to me.  The lesson was interesting.  There were lots of awkward silences, b/c I wanted THEM to talk and share their thoughts and feelings and insights.  I hadn’t planned on sharing my own story about the hard times I had when I was in Young Women’s, but I felt prompted to do so at the end so I did.  Hopefully it helped at least one Young Woman.

IMG_5036After church we came home and just relaxed, watched a movie, had dinner, etc.  Autumn looked so cute and yet grown up as she was sitting and talking to me, so I had to sneak a picture to capture this moment in time.

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