Thursday, February 26, 2015

Best Buds

IMG_6333 Today the weather was cold, but there wasn’t any freezing rain or snow to make driving wretched. Mom had me stop & get Papa John’s for dinner b/c her and Dad are still really jet lagged & she wasn’t up to cooking dinner. Britt was here saying good bye to Dad, so I had to get a pic of these best friends together. We were laughing while looking back at the pics b/c Jon is photo bombing them due to our family picture being on the wall behind them. LOL! I’m thankful that Dad & Britt are such close friends. They are good for each other!

IMG_6342 Autumn & I stayed a little bit later than usual tonight since it’s our last full evening w/ Papa & Mimi. We came home and I got her to bed, and then I started a fire in our gas fireplace just to make sure it still works b/c we never use it. I have to admit it was pretty to just sit and look at while I relaxed on the couch.

IMG_6346At about 9:00 I had a hankerin’ for some Texas sheet cake, and you “can’t deny a hankerin’” so I made some. I used to make this almost every week on my mission! This wasn’t my best tasting batch ever, even though I followed the recipe exactly. Oh, well … it hit the spot and now I’ll have a bunch to take in to work tomorrow.

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