Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine’s Day 2015

IMG_6198 HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO EVERYONE, but especially to my special Autumn Girl. I had these little treats sitting out on the counter for her when she got up this morning. We had a relaxing morning, and then I went and got my nails done at 10:00. I came home, we had some leftovers for lunch, and then went over to Mom & Dad’s.

IMG_6207I was going to go to the temple at 5:00 tonight w/ the other members of the ward council, but I have had some MAJOR digestive track issues the past 3 days and didn’t want to be where I couldn’t rush to a bathroom at a moment’s notice. I think I got what Autumn had at Great Wolf Lodge last weekend. YUCK! Plus, I wanted to spend time w/ Mom & Dad since we only have a handful of days left with them before they leave on their mission.

We helped Mom make her famous deviled eggs for a dinner party her & Dad are going to tomorrow night. We just cooked, talked, laughed, watched TV, etc. It was a nice and relaxing Saturday that we got to spend with people we love!

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