Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

IMG_6676 I’m proud of myself for remembering to wear green today so I didn’t get pinched. I was really busy at work today, b/c we got 6 big new sales in so I had to in process all of those. Then my boss is having me learn how to input all the bills & big Home Depot bills into Quickbooks. It’s intimidating since I have NO accounting experience and have no idea what expense accounts to code things to.

Anyways, for dinner tonight we made a super fast & easy & yummy taco/bean soup. I’ll have the post the recipe on my recipe blog. It made a TON, so we’ll have it for leftovers tomorrow. Plus, it’s healthy! Autumn & I hurried and threw together some St. Patrick’s Day treats for my YW presidency & the YW advisers. I just got some Rolos & almond Hershey kisses b/c they have gold wrappers and we put a handful in these cute rainbow Chinese take out containers that I got at the $1 store. I wrote them each a note about how I’m not just “LUCKY” to serve w/ them, but I’m BLESSED to serve w/ them.

IMG_6677 I had to snap a picture of these GORGEOUS white blossoms on the trees in front of the church. I LOVE Spring … it’s my favorite season.

IMG_6695 Today is the 173rd birthday of the Relief Society. The Relief Society organization in our ward invited the Young Women to join them for a Cupcake War activity tonight. I never realized until today that the Relief Society birthday is the same day as St. Patrick’s Day! Wow … I’ve been a member of the church my whole life and just realized it in my mid 30’s. LOL. They had the Relief Society room set up so cute. We were encouraged to bring any birthday party supplies we wanted to donate to an organization that gives them to underprivileged kids who don’t get to have birthday parties.

cupcake collage There ended up being 16 different types of cupcakes entered into the contest. They were numbered and we each got a piece of paper where we wrote notes and ranked them. They had 3 categories the cupcakes could win in … best overall, best tasting, and best appearance. The bottom left key lime cupcakes won best overall. The upper right hand Leprechaun won best looking. My favorite was the upper left hand pina colada cupcake.

IMG_6692For the taste testing they cut the cupcakes into 1/4ths and I only tried 4 cupcakes before my stomach made me stop. I was in a sugar coma from so much sweet goodness. Autumn, on the other hand, tried at least 8 different cupcakes. It was a really fun activity, but the best part was just mingling and talking w/ the other ladies and young women that were there. I’m thankful to feel such sisterhood w/ these amazing women.

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