Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sister K, The Sister Missionary

IMG_7173 Autumn got herself dressed this morning and she said to me, “Mom, I look like a sister missionary.” I couldn’t agree more! I kept calling her “Sister K” all morning. I would LOVE it if she decided to serve a mission when she's older. It's one of the best things I ever did!!!

I gave a talk in sacrament meeting today on virtue & purity. Nate & Riannon even came to hear me speak. I actually gave a “cry” instead of a talk. I ALWAYS cry, and I definitely cried at the end of my talk when I shared a story about a neat experience that Dad had in the Johannesburg temple.

IMG_7180 After church we hurried home for my YW Presidency meeting. One of the ladies brought her daughter that is Autumn’s age with her. The girls played outside & went exploring while we had our meeting. After the meeting was over, Autumn was SO EXCITED to show me some baby birds they found in a nest. I have no idea how they found it b/c it’s hidden in a neighbor’s gumdrop tree that’s about 5 houses down the street! The baby birds are so cute!!!

IMG_7186I know this isn’t the best picture (Autumn’s face … LOL), but it’s the only one we got. We went back to the church at 7:00 for the Stake Young Womanhood Recognition. All the Young Women & leaders that have completed Personal Progress, or got their Honor Bee were recognized tonight. It’s a huge deal, b/c this is equivalent to the Scouts getting their Eagles. It’s A LOT of work. The Stake YW President gave a FABULOUS talk, and the whole evening was very uplifting. I am so thankful Autumn has wonderful examples like these girls to look up to.

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