Sunday, May 17, 2015

Barbie Beauty Shop & Bishop’s Book Of Mormon Challenge

IMG_7370 Today was a great Sunday. We talked to Mom & Dad for a little bit this morning before getting ready for church. I had ward council, and then during church they had an “instant men’s choir” where they had any of the men from the congregation that wanted to sing come up. They sounded GREAT and it was awesome to see the stage/podium area filled w/ proud priesthood holders. YW was good, and we got a new Laurel class presidency.

After church we came home, ate dinner, and then the new Laurel class presidency came over for a meeting. I told them I would have brownies for them, but I forgot I have NO eggs. One of the girls brought 2 eggs so I hurried and threw the brownies in the oven once I added those, and they were done by the time we finished our meeting. Autumn kept herself entertained during my meeting by setting up this Barbie beauty shop. She did their hair, changed their clothes, and set up a house for them to live in.

Nick got home from church and my Laurels and I went to the Bishop’s house for BYD (Bishop’s Youth Discussion). We watched parts of the Elder Bednar broadcast and then discussed them as a group. The Bishop issued a challenge for us to read the Book of Mormon over the summer. I usually just ignore those and don’t participate in them, b/c I like to do things on my own time and at my own pace. But, for some reason this tine the challenge really resonated w/ me and I decided I’m going to do it! It’s been a LONG time since I’ve read the whole Book of Mormon. Once I got home and got Autumn to bed, I got straight to it and read 3 chapters and took notes and highlighted things that stood out to me. I’m excited about it!

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