Saturday, May 16, 2015

Service Project & Shopping Spree

P1120696 Our Saturday started early b/c we had to be to the church by 8:30 am. We helped Emma set up one of the rooms for a service project to decorate brown paper sacks w/ inspiring messages for the Salvation Army in Dallas to use. They give out 600 lunches a day to homeless people, or people who stay in their shelter overnight. They said it’s always nicer to receive a decorated bag than to have just a plain brown bag. Emma was in charge of this and did it for one of her YW projects. I was there to just help & support if she needed it. She rocked it and did a great job.

IMG_7349 I’m so glad that Shannon & her 2 girls were there so that Autumn had someone to play with since we were there for 4 hours. They also had a blood drive going on, so during a slow point I went to go donate. I have always used the excuse that I can’t donate b/c I lived overseas. But, I figured that it was so long ago that I could for sure donate now. NOPE! Just b/c I lived overseas from 1980-1990 I STILL can’t donate, which is silly since it was such a long time ago. Oh, well. I guess I’ll just have to keep giving my blood to the mosquitoes instead of the Red Cross. Autumn took this pic for us.

IMG_7354 I thought we were going to have a lot of people show up b/c a few of the outside service projects got cancelled due to inclement weather. But, we only had about 80 people show up over the course of 3 hours. But, we were able to donate 850 bags to the Salvation Army. I’m proud of Emma for stepping up and owning this project.

IMG_7355 Shannon had to stay at the church for another hour or so to help wrap up the blood drive. So, we brought her 2 girls home w/ us. We had quesadillas for lunch & they watched Teen Beach Movie. After that, the girls had fun playing Barbies and running around outside.

IMG_7359 I had planned on going to the temple, but it was already 4:00 by this point and that wouldn’t give me enough time to get down there, do a session, and get back. So, I went shopping instead! LOL! I have recently discovered a thing called “Dressing Your Truth” (DYT) by Carol Tuttle. I have never been a girl that has cared about fashion or what’s trendy right now. I wear what fits, what is comfortable, and what is not expensive. However, w/ this DYT Carol makes it so easy. It’s interesting to see how the 4 different “types” look on different women. Some of them you can immediately tell what they look best in.

Type 1 is bright, animated, and cute (like a hummingbird)
Type 2 is soft and subtle (like a dove)
Type 3 is rich, dynamic, and hot (like a peacock)
Type 4 is bold, striking, and exact (like a swan)

I’ve been watching a bunch of videos on youtube, and I determined that I am a “Type 3” woman. That means I am a strong, substantial, “get it done” type of person. That means I should be wearing rich warm colors. I was kind of bummed about that at first b/c I despise the color brown and other “fall like” colors, and I shouldn’t wear black anymore (that’s like 90% of my wardrobe). But on the upside, I get to wear lots of animal print and big chunky jewelry.

Anyways, Nate & Riannon watched Autumn for me and I went shopping in search of some Type 3 clothes. I hit the jackpot w/ this top, this skirt, and few other things I found. It was SO NICE to just take my time, try on a bunch of clothes, and not have to worry about keeping Autumn entertained or feel like I was rushed. I’m excited to try out this system and see how I feel when I “dress my truth.”

IMG_7360 After my shopping spree I went back to Nate & Riannon’s so they could go out on a date. Autumn & Olivia had fun playing together. Autumn is such a sweet & attentive & nurturing soul. We had dinner, played, put Olivia to bed, and then just spent the rest of the evening relaxing and watching TV. Nate & Riannon got home around 9:30 so we left and went home instead of spending the night.

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