Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sayonara “S” Family

P1120959 Tonight the Deacons (12-13 year old boys) were in charge of our combined activity tonight, and they chose to do ultimate frisbee. It rained a lot today, so we had to do it in the gym b/c the grass was too wet and muddy.

P1120964We had a few young women participate, but this is how most of them spent their time during the activity.

P1120961 I can’t blame them, b/c us YW leaders did the same thing. The S family is moving and we are going to miss terribly! Autumn & Maddie have become such close friends and had fun running around and playing together for the last time,.

P1120966  At the end of the activity we tried to grab as many YW as we could to get a picture w/ Sis. S. The F family is also moving, and we’re losing a Mia Maid & Beehive when they move. At least we get to have the F family girls for one more Sunday. I’m sad we weren’t able to spend one more Sunday w/ Sis. S so we could send her off w/ a bang. Oh, well. This will just have to do.

P1120960 I gave her a small Willow Tree “Remembrance” angel, her favorite candy, and a thank you note. I have been blessed & privileged beyond belief to serve w/ these fabulous & faithful women. I’m sad Sis. VB wasn’t there tonight so we could get the whole presidency, but she’s at home recovering from some health issues. I’m thankful Kari took the time to come tonight so we could sit and talk and we could say goodbye. She’s been the BEST secretary ever!

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