Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Human Foosball

IMG_8773 Our already busy Wednesday evenings just became even busier. Autumn’s cheer coach wanted to have an optional cheer practice tonight since their first cheer game is on Saturday. So I got Autumn from daycare, we rushed home to scarf down some dinner, and then I took her to cheer practice.

P1130043 I picked her up and we rushed over to the church for the youth activity tonight. It was Young Men/Young Women combined and the 14-15 year old boys were in charge. We played “Human Foosball” where we had to hold onto these PVC pipes and pretend like we were a live game of table soccer players. I took the 2 new YW Advisers in another room for a quick meeting to just go over what their calling entails. I’m so thankful they’re both in Young Women’s, b/c the girls already love them.

P1130040 To be honest, I thought it was going to be lame and was going to get boring after the first 15 minutes but it was actually A LOT of fun. It was a great workout and I was sweaty by the end. We split up into 3 teams and each group got a chance to play against each other. It was a busy but great night.

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