Monday, November 9, 2015

Work Dinner … Family Style

IMG_9865 Today at work all the sales reps and their managers came in for training from our 2 remote locations. Tom asked if I would come out to dinner w/ them all tonight. Riannon was an angel and said she’d be happy to take Autumn home for me and watch her so I could go to dinner. I am not a big fan of stuff like this b/c I STINK at making small talk. We went to Maggiano’s and since there were 10 of us in our party they recommended that we order the “family style.” We got an appetizer, salad, 2 pastas, 2 meats, and 2 desserts. They brought them out on HUGE platters that we just shared and passed around.

IMG_9867 We had so many leftovers that we had at least 11 to go containers! My boss told me to take them home and keep them. I’m just going to keep what we’ll eat and will take all the doubles of things to work tomorrow to share w/ the other office girls. I was surprised that no one else wanted the leftovers! It ended up being a nice evening and I’m glad I went.

P1130355 I went and got Autumn at Nate & Riannon’s, we came home, I got her to bed, and was blogging when Mom called. They’re 8 hours ahead and she just called to say hi. Nick & I were on Facetime w/ her and I got tired of holding the phone, so I rigged this getup so it was tall enough for her to see us while we talked to her. Technology is so amazing!!!

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