Sunday, April 17, 2016

Mormonova Knjiga & Butterflies

 I had ward council this morning, so I took Autumn over to L's house. I love the other members of the ward council, and we all work together well. We are serious and get things taken care of, but we also have a lot of fun and do a lot of laughing. For Laurels class today I taught about The Book of Mormon. I showed them parts of President Benson's famous talk about the Book of Mormon. Then I shared my experience of being on my mission in sLOVEnija when the Saints there got the Book of Mormon in Slovene for the first time! I read my journal entry in the front of my Mormonva Knjiga to the girls, and ended up doing the "ugly cry" b/c I was so overcome w/ emotions and how strong the Spirit was.

When I got home from church I had a splitting headache in my left temple & behind my left eye. I took some Tylenol and laid down on the couch to rest for a little bit in hopes that it would go away. Our home teachers came over at 3:30 and as soon as they left I went and laid down in my bed and slept for 2 hours. I was so relieved that my headache was gone when I woke up.

The other night when I was tucking Autumn into bed she started crying and I asked her what was wrong. She said that she missed Grandma Ruth! They had such a close bond. When I was going through the pictures on my phone, I saw this picture Autumn had taken of the pattern on her pants. Notice that the pants are light purple (purple was Rufio's favorite color), and butterflies were Rufio's thing. So sweet!

I went over to the church at 6:30 for B.A.D. Usually we have BYD (Bishop's Youth Discussion), but Bishop really wanted to meet with the ADULTS (hence the BAD acronym). We talked about Personal Progress for the YW, Duty To God for the YM, and then we had an open discussion about what is working and what isn't. I was worried it was going to be a venting session for the parents, but it actually went really well. I had gotten a Costco cake yesterday, which we served for refreshments after the meeting.

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