Saturday, May 28, 2016

Color Fun (Fail) Run

 It was nice to sleep in this morning, and take my time. I had breakfast and then left to go to the temple to do a session. I was going to go to the 11:00 session, but it was so full that they had to have about 30 of us wait and do the 11:30 session.

 I came home, scarfed down some food, and then Autumn & I headed off for the Color Fun Run. We bought our tickets back in the fall of 2014!!! But then the venue fell through so they had to rschld it for Spring 2015. Then it rained (but not too bad) and they rescheduled it for Fall 2015. Then in Fall 2015 it was a torrential downpour on the day of the Fun Run, so they had to reschedule for Spring 2016. Today was finally the day. But, it had rained a lot last night so we couldn't park at the venue location b/c it's just a big huge field. We had to park somewhere else and they said they would have big charter buses to take us to the Fun Run location. However, they only had 2 buses!!! As you can tell, Autumn was really excited to be standing out in the sweltering sun. LOL.

 All my pictures look a little blurry b/c I had my phone in a ziplock bag so it wouldn't get ruined by the powder. The way people were lined up was blocking the entrances to the parking lanes, so I single-handly had everyone line up down a little side road to make it safer. GO ME! I went back to the car and got an elastic to put Autumn's hair up off her neck and to get an umbrella so we would have a little bit of shade. It took us TWO HOURS to finally get on the bus and over to the race site.

By this time they were now letting cars park at the venue site b/c it was so hot that the field had dried out a little bit. Autumn & I were already so hot and sweaty that we were NOT about to walk/run the whole 5K.

 Instead, we skipped the whole first half of the course and walked straight across the field to the first color station. They had huge boxes full of powder and no one was policing how much people used. Autumn & I had fun throwing color at each other.

 We then skipped the whole rest of the course and walked back across the field to the finish line. Our 5K race took us all of about 10 minutes. LOL!

 We then got in line to get back on the buses to go back to our car, and that took another 2 HOURS!!! While we were waiting I paid $5 for Autumn to go in this big huge bouncy house. About 12 minutes after she came out they announced that any kids could go in it for free since the wait for the buses was so long. UGH!

 Autumn was really scared of this part b/c it was up high. It took some coaxing to get her to go down the slide. I think I was dehydrated, b/c I had to sit down on the rocky ground while we waited in line. I thought I was going to throw up and pass out! Plus, it was so stinkin' hot and humid outside.

We FINALLY got back on the bus and got back to our car. We went straight to In-N-Out to get hamburgers, fries, and shakes as a reward for making it through that whole ordeal. It was fun, and I'm glad we did it, but I would NEVER do it again.

We came home, took our powdered clothes off in the garage, put them straight in the washer, and then got showered. We spent the rest of the night just relaxing, watching TV, and recovering from this crazy day!

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