Sunday, December 17, 2017

Baby Matthew's Baby Blessing & The Annual Polar Bear Plunge Pool Party

 Today was Baby Matthew's baby blessing. Nick did a good job & Uncle Robert stood next to him & whispered some of what to say if Nick got stuck.

 It was great to have so many family & friends there to support Nick & Savi & Matthew. LOVE all of these people!!!

 Siblings Picture

 Since everyone was together anyways, we decided to be naughty & have our Annual Polar Bear Plunge Pool Party. We had sandwiches, fruit, veggies, chips & dip, and a Costco cake. YUM!

 This was Frank & Spencer & Grant's first time doing it and I'm super proud of them for all jumping in. I LOVE seeing people's faces when they come up out of the water. Especially people doing it for the first time. LOL!

 Here was our group this year, including us party poopers that didn't get in.

 Here's all the brave souls that jumped into the cold pool. We had our white elephant presents, and one present was even challenged for & defended!

 It was so great to spend time together as a family. We even got to FaceTime Papa & Mimi for a few minutes before they went to bed. We're so happy that they'll be home in time for all the festivities next year.

 Cute cousins! I can't believe how much these 2 have grown. After everyone left, we cleaned up, came home, relaxed for a little bit, and then Frank & Spencer went home teaching and I went visiting teaching. We spent the rest of Sunday night just relaxing & recovering from the weekend.

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