Saturday, December 16, 2017

Ward Christmas Party, Movie, & Jewelry

 My morning started bright & early. I got up, got cleaned up, and then went to the store to buy orange juice, milk, chocolate milk, apple juice, and ice. I hurried over to the church & helped put the finishing touches on the Christmas Party before people started showing up at 9:00. Bishop said a few remarks & then we started eating. The ward provided breakfast burritos & drinks, and the members had signed up to bring donuts, muffins, fruit trays, etc.

 It was so awesome to have Frank there w/ me this year even though I was busy running around. Super funny story ... so I had some Christmas scrub tops that were folded into rectangles that I set out on the bed last night. Frank asked if they were table cloths that we needed to take to the church. I pretended to get all offended & said they were scrub tops that were hand made by my mothers. I laughed & laughed when I saw the expression on his face as he tried to think of ways to back peddle. So, he made sure to wear one of the "table cloths" to the party today so we could match. LOL.

 While everyone was eating, a special guest showed up. He had all the kids come sit on the floor & he shared w/ them what some of the gifts that the Wise Men gave to Jesus are & what they represent. He was AMAZING & I had lots of people comment on what a good Santa he was.

 This year we had numbers on the table & called people up by table to get pictures so that we didn't have a mad chaotic line of kids trying to see Santa. We also didn't have anyone taking pictures this year. We figured most parents take their own pictures anyways. Plus, that helped to have parents stay w/ their kids so they didn't run a muck. Lexie & her cute family.

 Nick & his cute family

 Santa & Baby Matthew. We were saying that Baby Matthew looked like he could be an elf.

 I don't know if I have ever been more in love with Frank than I was while taking this picture. I was busy up at the stage calling numbers for the tables & taking pictures for people w/ their cell phones. I turned around and saw that he had of his own accord gone & gotten a big trash can & was clearing the tables. I also love that he had an extra trash bag tied to the back of his pants. WHAT A STUD MUFFIN!!! Be still my heart! ♥ ♥ ♥

 Autumn is so grown up now & I can hardly stand it! She told me later that she told Santa she wanted him to take her brothers away so she could have some peace & quiet. LOL!

 Santa had her kiss him on the cheek, which was super cute.

 Lexie wanted a turn too, and she kissed him so hard that she knocked him back in his chair. We were laughing so hard!!!

 I am beyond thankful for these ladies that I get to serve with. It was a lot of work to pull off the Christmas party, but we did it. We all work together so well & it came together nicely.

 After the party & all the clean up, Frank & I ran some errands. We went to pick up Spencer, who had left the party early to go to a paintball birthday party. This is one kid's shoes that used to be white!!! After that party, we dropped him off at a friend's house so they could give him a ride to another birthday party where they went to see the new Star Wars movie! Lucky kid.

 We were hanging out over at Nick & Savi's when we decided on a whim to go see the new Ferdinand The Bull movie together. It was super cute and one I would buy when it comes out on DVD. The best part was just being together.

We went back to the house, ordered Chinese food for dinner, and then Lexie decided (again on a whim) that we needed to have some girl time. So, Lexie & Autumn & I loaded into the car & went to a cheap jewelry store. It was fun being together without the men for a little while. WHEW ... what a day!

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