Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Lunch Date, Friends, Dinner, & Slime In The Hair

 Frank had a follow up doctor's visit on his shoulder today. The doctor said everything was looking good and the soreness that he's experiencing is normal. Since Frank was so close to my office, we met up and went to lunch together. I love getting to sit and hold hands and talk without any kids interrupting us!

 Frank got home and the kids asked him if their friends could come over. Autumn, Stacey, & Tricia had fun making slime together. Even though I freaked out when I got home & found they had accidentally gotten it on their clothes & on the floor. UGH!

 Sean was in town visiting from Colorado, and the boys had fun playing video games together.

 The friends left around 5:30 & we went over to Nate & Riannon's for dinner. I took the scrapple I had made with me and fried it up over there, b/c I knew Nate would appreciate the Christmas tradition. YUM!

 We had leftover ham sandwiches, chips, and drinks. Nate got a Nintendo Switch for Christmas & wanted Frank and the boys to try out the fun old school Mario. We had fun talking & Olivia loved having so many boys to chase around the house.

We got home & everyone went their separate ways to relax. Autumn had laid down on the couch to snuggle w/ me, and next thing I know she had slime in her hair! She had been playing w/ it and didn't realize it had dropped out of her hand and right into her hair. I was so FRUSTRATED & ANNOYED b/c I hate messes like slime. I was about to just cut it off and she'd have some super short hair right in the front. But luckily I took a deep breath, did a Goggle search, and found out we could get it out by running it under super hot water. The hot water melts the glue and it melts right off and goes down the drain. WHEW! Crisis averted.

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