Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry CHRISTmas 2017!!!

 Autumn & I were the first ones up at the yellow house this morning. We got dressed & went up to GrannyMom & Grampsy's to see what we could do to help. Grampsy helped Autumn make a breakfast burrito. They were super yummy, especially when we added some queso that GrannyMom had made. YUM!

 Autumn helped GrannyMom get on her socks & shoes.

 The boys & Frank finally got up & going around 11:00. We decided to eat at 11:30 b/c everyone was hungry. GrannyMom outdid herself & put on a FEAST! We had brought up the turkey & she got up early this morning to cook that. We also had ham, corn, green beans, fried okra, sweet potatoes, cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cabbage, beets, and homemade cranberry sauce!!! WOW!!! We were all STUFFED to the gills!

 Grant, Marrisa, & Baby Aubrey got to the house around noon. I immediately took Aubrey out of her car seat, b/c "she needed me." LOL! I wanted to sniff & hug & snuggle her so bad. Frank & I with our first grand baby! Yep, I'm a PREGNANT GRANDMA! LOL!

How neat to get a 4 generation picture!

Love this group so much!

Julian & Autumn both got a turn holding Baby Aubrey. It's hard to believe that in just 4 short months Autumn will be holding her new baby sister! Autumn was so excited to realize that she's a first time Aunt while holding Baby Aubrey.

Our group picture after we opened presents. We kept it super simple this year since we had a lot of people to buy for. Each of the kids got a bag of yummy candy & a big gift. We also got GrannyMom & Grampsy a DNA kit from Ancestry. I LOVE all of the people in this picture so much! It's hard to believe how much has changed in just one short year.

Aubrey was being fussy, so Grampsy took over and had her calmed down in no time flat. This picture is just too precious!

He has the magic touch. About 5 minutes after I took this picture, I looked over and both of them were sound asleep! I love the peaceful & happy look on her sweet face.

GrannyMom read us a Christmas story, and Autumn had Hanah dog in a trance.

Is this not one of the cutest smiles you ever did see? I'm smitten!

I was naughty & pretty much held sweet sleeping Aubrey the rest of the day. I told Marissa that this is the best Christmas present ever.

Finally around 3:00 it was time to pack up & head home. It's always sad saying goodbye to these 2 incredible people. I'm so thankful to them for making this Christmas such a nice & memorable one.

 We got home, got unpacked, and Frank and I threw together some dinner. We had fried ham & cheese sandwiches & chips. I look mad in this picture b/c I think I was talking when it was being taken. Whoops!

The boys all went to the room to play their new video games, and Autumn got out her slime kit from Frank to make some slime. What an amazing & wonderful Christmas!

1 comment:

Jen T said...

Looks like a great Christmas and love the baby pictures! She is adorable! How awesome for Autumn to be and aunt and then to get to be a big sister!!! Congrats!!