Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas Eve 2017

 I got up this morning & made the traditional scrapple so that we can have some tomorrow for Christmas. We got packed up & got ready to leave for Oklahoma.

 Lexie sent us this cute family picture (Adam was NOT in the mood to be included in the picture) before they headed out the door to church.

 We were going to leave at 9:00, but Frank had been up a lot in the night w/ his hurt shoulder. So, I let him sleep in and we left around noon. I drove, and I like being up high in the big truck. We got to GrannyMom & Grampsy's and I just LOVED how bright & peaceful their tree is. Their home is so warm & welcoming. GrannyMom had a big pot of soup on the stove & some yummy cornbread & crackers waiting for us.

 Autumn went out & helped GrannyMom gather up the eggs from the chickens.

We spent the rest of the evening watching Christmas movies on TV. Autumn wanted to do a project, so GrannyMom got out some tea towels w/ lemons & cherries on them for us to cross stitch. I forgot how much I enjoy doing that. It's mindless, but keeps my hands busy while sitting and watching TV. The boys came over around 9:30 from being at their Mom's house. They ate, we watched a movie, and then called it a night around 11:00.

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