Thursday, May 10, 2018

Happy ONE WEEK, Baby Alisa

It's almost impossible to believe that our baby girl is ONE WEEK old today! How did that even happen?

This is the quilt that Mimi made her, so we're going to take her growth progression pictures on it next to the elephant to see how much she changes & grows.

 I had to go in the office today for a sales meeting, and everyone wanted to meet the baby. She slept for quite a while, so I was able to get a lot done. Once she woke up, I didn't get much work done after that.

 Since she came to work with me, I figured I'd better make her earn her keep and make her work.

 She's already knows how to drive the forklift from learning when I was pregnant with her and I drove the forklift. LOL!

 We were both super happy to get home and rest. It took more out of me than I thought it would to go in to work for about 3.5 hours today. I sometimes forget that my body is still recovering from giving birth just a week ago.

 Autumn came running inside this evening and told me that I had to come outside and look at the surprise that Dad got for me.

It's this GORGEOUS hibiscus plant, b/c he knows that they're my favorite flowers! He's so super thoughtful and it's little things like this that mean the world to me!

1 comment:

packmom said...

She so precious and what a wonderful addition to your family. I can tell she is well loved.