Monday, November 5, 2018

6 Month Alisa Stats

 My poor baby girl had to get shots today. She did good at first b/c I she had her bottle during the shots.

 But after about 5 seconds she realized that it hurt and started to cry. Poor thing! It breaks my heart but I know it's for her good. Here are her stats:

17.8 lbs (78% for weight)
27.8" (98% for height)
17.5" (96% for head circumference)

 After the doctor's I had to get a few things at WalMart, so we stopped to shop.  I was lunch time and I was hungry, so I got a Subway sandwich. I also did some work while eating. I am still working full time (mostly from home).

 We had a Relief Society presidency meeting to go over some things and try to figure out changes to our ministering (visiting teaching) routes. I LOVE the women that I get to serve with.

 Look at this happy & smiley face that Autumn captured while she was watching Alisa for me so I could get some work done. You'd never know that she had 2 shots in the legs earlier today.

 She LOVES her little elephant rattle that Daddy got for her. She's so loved and spoiled rotten and we wouldn't have it any other way.

 Tonight for dinner I let her try and gum some fried potatoes for dinner. She loved it and it must have felt good on her gums.

I went out to dinner tonight w/ Liz & Sheila. Sheila moved back to TX from back east and it was so good to talk w/ her and catch up. We all used to work at the same pest control company several years ago and have stayed close friends.

1 comment:

Jen T said...

Shots are never fun, but it is good for them, but hard for Mom to have to go through! She is adorable! They grow up so fast! Hope you and your family are all well!!