Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Hats

It was nice this morning to wake up and have no where to be and nothing to do for a few hours.  I edited pictures from yesterday and Autumn & I sat on the couch together and watched a Christmas movie while she played w/ the dolls she had gotten yesterday.  Then we got ready and went to church and the Primary kids got up and sang a few songs in sacrament meeting.  Autumn did a great job and kept looking over at me and smiling and waving, which completely melted my heart.  I truly cherish moments like that, b/c before I know it, she’ll think she’s too old and too cool for stuff like singing in the Primary program.  Anyways, in Young Women’s the Laruels met w/ the Priests so we could start planning what we’ll do for their mini-missions in January.  They get to go out all day on a Saturday and experience what it’s like to be a missionary for a day.  I think I’m going to be asked to go along with one of the companionships to help them out since I’ve served a mission.  I’m a little bit apprehensive about it b/c it’s been a LONG TIME since I was a missionary, but I know if I have the Spirit with  me then it will all work out just great and be an incredible experience for these girls.

P1040048After church, we went home and changed and went over to Mom & Dad’s house to have left over soup from our family party for dinner.  Mom & Dad had to go visit someone, so Lexie & I loaded the kids up in the car and took them on a little drive to look at Christmas lights.  There is one neighborhood in particular that I like to visit b/c there is a mansion that is DECKED OUT w/ so many lights.  Then a few houses down, they have their lights timed to music and you turn the radio in the car to a certain station and listen while watching the lights.  So cool & the kids loved it.

P1040052 We got back to the house & the kids played while we watched some football and visited.  Andrew was eating some clementines as the table and was throwing the little fuzzys from the sections onto the floor so Dad helped him get out the vacuum to clean them up.  I thought that was a great teaching moment for Dad to share w/ Andrew b/c Dad didn’t yell at him for making a mess, but got up and helped him clean it up.  I need to learn from that example.

P1040056 Mom & Dad’s home teachers called and said they wanted to stop by and drop off a present.  While we were waiting for them to get there, Autumn went and found the Christmas hats and put this tree one on and was singing, “Up On The Housetop” to Aunt Lexie b/c Lexie didn’t get to see Autumn’s Christmas program at “college”.  I love this b/c Autumn was trying to snap while singing, “click, click, click” but doesn’t know how to snap.  It makes me laugh when she just moves her fingers back and forth.  What a cute little love bug.

P1040062 We decided Jackson needed to get in on the Christmas hat action and is the cutest little Santa I’ve ever seen!  Look at those big blue eyes.

P1040064Even w/ a Bah Humbug hat on, he’s a cutie pie.  The home teachers got there and gave Dad their gift, which was a big box of junky tools that he had won as his gift at the white elephant party last night.  He had stolen it from someone else and when we went to leave, he had set it outside on a bench and then had to run back into the house to get something.  When he came back out, his box of junky tools was gone and he was sad someone had taken it.  Little did we know, it was the home teachers and they were being sneaky.  It was SO FUNNY when Dad opened the present and realized it was his stolen box of tools!  We all got a good laugh out of that.  By this time, it was 9:30 and I didn’t realize it was so late so Autumn & I went home and both went to sleep b/c we had such a busy and fun weekend and need our rest.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

ooo! adorable babies!

thanks for the link to our bloggy. you are a doll.
