Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My 1,500th Post

P1030984 Usually we have our YW activities on Wednesday night, but since the Laurel’s were all invited to the crepes & cocoa party last night, we didn’t have an activity tonight.  However, we got a new Laurel’s class presidency and they wanted to have a meeting at the church so we could get the next 3 months of activities planned out.  Autumn was really good & watched Monsters Inc (I brought the portable DVD player) while I was in the meeting.  After that, we had to go to WalMart to get some things we needed.  I was so going to get this for a white elephant gift b/c it’s longer than Autumn’s entire torso, but it was over $8!!!  So, we just settled for a picture instead.

I am loving the stage Autumn is in now.  She is my little helper and tag along shadow and I absolutely love it.  She’s old enough to help and be a “big girl” but is still sweet and innocent.

I didn’t realize this, but when I was getting this post ready I was checking the stats on my blog and noticed that this is my 1,500th post!  That’s a LOT of posts, but at the same time I wish I had double or even triple that amount only b/c that means I would have recorded & documented even more of my life.  I wish that blogging had been around when I was in high school and when I was in college.  Some day when I have lots of extra time (ba ha ha) I can always go back and blog those things, but I won’t be fresh in my mind and I’ll miss a lot of details.  So in the meantime I’ll just keep blogging away and hopefully has thousands and thousands of posts someday.

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