Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cleaning The House Quick

P1070621Today at work was good b/c I got a LOT of orders put in.  It’s always such a relief to get that stuff off my desk and filed away.  After work/school we went over to Mom & Dad’s for dinner and then I had to run to a Single Adult meeting at the church.  We have a lot going on in the next few months.  We have a fireside in a few weeks, a dance we have to put on in September, and then we’re helping another stake w/ their big regional conference.

  On the way home I stopped at Sonic to get a shake since it was 1/2 price and I
knew Autumn & I would need a pick-me-up before we started cleaning like mad.  We have 3 people coming over tomorrow to spend the night b/c all the beds at Mom & Dad’s house will be full of people that are coming for the Jones’ daughter’s wedding.  They don’t have enough room at their house for everyone so Mom & Dad offered to let some people stay at their house.  Then we found out some old friends from when we were in the Army are coming through town the same night and Aunt Jeri is also coming! 

cleaningPicture from here
So, I stripped Autumn’s bed and all the towels and did 3 loads of laundry.  Then I vacuumed the whole ground floor of the house.  While I was doing that, Autumn went upstairs and cleaned the play room.  Unbeknownst to me, she went in the office and put away the things I had sitting out on the bed.  When I went in there to put the stuff away, I was shocked to see it all gone.  I looked under the bed and in an empty dresser drawer to see if she had just stuffed it all somewhere.  To my surprise, she had put it all away just like I would have.  I was so proud of her and stopped in the middle of our mad cleaning spree to tell her.

We cleaned some more, I got her to bed, and kept cleaning.  I sat down to rest while waiting for the last load of laundry and watched Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.  It was so funny and there were a few times that I literally laughed out loud.  There are some good one liners.  I finally crawled into bed at 12:30 and called it a night.

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