Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy 87th Birthday, Rufio!

32 About a month ago, I got an invitation in the mail for a surprise party for Rufio on May 10th for her 87th birthday.  Mom & Dad booked a flight to be there and surprise everyone.  No one knew they were coming!  Anyways, they were all going to meet at a local park, but the weather was really cold and windy so they moved it to the church.  Jana & Keith told Rufio a few weeks ago that they were going to drive down from Ogden to take her out to dinner at 4:00 for her birthday.  They picked her up and then blindfolded her and whisked her away to the church.

30 I know this picture is blurry, but I had to include it anyways b/c this is what she saw (probably blurry and all w/ her bad eyesight) when she opened her eyes.  Her kids, grandkids, and great grandkids were lining both sides of the hall & yelled out, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”

25 I just adore this picture of Rufio’s face when Mom walked up behind her and surprised her and gave her a big hug!

15 Jana, Lisa, Rufio, Jill & Jeri

I am beyond blessed to have such faithful, courageous, beautiful, and strong women in my life.  It’s tradition that Dad gets us orchid corsages for Mother’s Day, and he had brought one for each of the 5 ladies!

IMG_2984 There are so many pictures I could include of Rufio w/ the different families & grandkids & their families.  But, these are just a few of the highlight pictures.  This was right after they had sung Happy Birthday to her and she had blown out her candles.  So much love & light & laughter!!!

IMG_3488 When Mom told me that she & Dad would be going, I put together a mini Project Life album & some cards from the Rain kit & sent them w/ Mom.  Nick & Autumn & Nate & I all filled out our cards before Mom & Dad left.  Mom had everyone there sign a card for Rufio & then they printed off some of the pictures from her party & some old pictures I had been able to dig up.


Mom said Rufio stayed up until midnight reading through all the cards & looking at the pictures.

IMG_3494 Sorry for the glare on these pics, but they just fill my heart to brimming and I had to include them.  I am so thankful to Grandpa Jay & Grandma Ruth for living such faithful lives and raising such wonderful daughters.  It’s so neat to see how many lives have been affected for good b/c of the choices they made in raising their family.  I am so thankful for the super close relationship I have w/ Rufio & I cherish being able to call & talk to her every Sunday night.  I’m so sad I couldn’t be at her party, but these pictures help to make it better.  I hope she felt how much we love her and how special she is to us.


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