Saturday, May 10, 2014

Temple, Panera, & Baseball

IMG_3391 Why, oh why, does Autumn’s body HATE me & decide to wake up at 6:14 on a Saturday morning???  We went in the living room & I put on some cartoons for her.  I started making breakfast & everyone finally woke up b/c Mom & Dad were leaving for the airport at 8:00.  They are flying up to UT to surprise Rufio & the rest of the family at Rufio’s 87th birthday party!  I’m SO JEALOUS & wish I could go with them.  I made them promise to take a bunch of pictures for me.

Nate took them to the airport & I went home and got cleaned up and went to the temple.  I haven’t been in over a month & b/c it was closed 2 weeks for cleaning & then it was Easter weekend & we were at Aunt Sandy’s, etc.  Anyways, I missed it so much!!!  I made the 9:00 session & was so glad I did, b/c the most lovely older black gentleman led the session & he was very emotional and the Spirit was very strong.  He was truly worshiping, not just going through the motions.

IMG_3393 I came home & we had a Panera picnic on the patio.  Riannon’s face in this pic cracks me up.  She & Nate like to pull random faces.  The weather was perfect, and the food was really good.  Nick & a friend came over and ate w/ us too, but I forgot to get a picture after they had gotten there.


IMG_3394Mom texted me these pictures of the beautiful jasmine that is in bloom everywhere.  They also went and walked about the BYU campus, which was where Dad & I both got our Bachelor’s degrees.

1746 S 500 E Orem She also posted this picture on Facebook w/ this caption, “1746 S. 500 E., Orem, UT.  Our 1st apartment while Kerry went to BYU. This is where we lived when Lisa Marie was born.”  So cool!

IMG_3396 We spent a lot of the afternoon just relaxing, loving on Baby Olivia, and watching a Will & Grace marathon on TV.  Since the weather was so nice, Nate wanted to go outside and enjoy it.  He & Nick went and played catch in the backyard.  Awwww … brotherly boding time.

IMG_3411 Autumn & Riannon wanted in on the fun too, so they also went out.  Autumn was pretty good and had great form.

IMG_3423At 5:00 Nate & Riannon & Nick all left to go to the Ranger’s baseball game.  Autumn & I got to babysit Olivia, who slept for 2 hours.  Then we went to WalMart to get a few things we needed.  Oh my goodness, I forgot how hard it is to go shopping or do anything with a baby!  Just getting her in & out of the car was a chore, and then her car seat took up the whole cart so we had nowhere to put the groceries, etc.  Thankfully Autumn was a HUGE help!  We got home, watched a little TV, and then it was bedtime.  I got Autumn to bed, Olivia to sleep, and I started making cookies for my lesson tomorrow.  Olivia woke up at 9:00 & was inconsolable b/c she was hungry, but she refused to take a bottle.  You can see in this pic that Autumn had tried feeding the bottle to Olivia earlier, but she would just spit out the milk.  Olivia was so happy when Nate & Riannon got back & she could eat.

I can’t wait to see all the great pictures from Rufio’s birthday party when Mom & Dad get back!

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