Friday, August 10, 2018

Dental Day Trip In The Truck

 We got up this morning & this was the scene that greeted us. So cute to see GrannyMom & Grampsy cooking together in the kitchen.

 We loaded into the truck and hit the road for a doctor's appointment for Frank. You know you're on back country roads when you see the dirt trailing behind you.

 I was able to bring my work laptop and check emails while on the road. Technology amazes me! I was able to tether off of Frank's cell phone to do work out in the middle of nowhere!!!

 While Frank was in his dental appointment, we waited out in the lobby for him. I put a blanket down on the floor for the baby so she could move around since she'd been in her car seat all morning. This was the first time she actually rolled over! I wish I had a video of it and that Frank had been there to see it.

 It was lunch time by now, so we went to the cafeteria downstairs and got this yummy food for lunch.

 Such a nice day outside, and such a nice facility!

 We stopped at WalMart on the way back, and a big storm was coming in. Just look at these clouds!!!

 Frank slowed down so I could take a picture of my favorite little garden in a tiny town that we drive through on the way to his Mom & Dad's. I love that it's between these 2 old buildings. I appreciate all of the old exposed brick.

 Bitters loved interacting w/ GrannyMom. So stinkin' cute.

 Frank's brother Johnnie stopped by to say hi & brought a new gun he got. Since they live out in the country on their own land, they can go shooting whenever they want.

It was great to see Johnnie & Austin & Carly. I'm so thankful to have such a wonderful in-law family.

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