Monday, August 27, 2018

"Fancy" Chick-Fil-A 15 Month Anniversary Dinner

 Anytime the 27th of the month rolls around, Frank & I wish each other a happy anniversary. It just so happens that today is our 15 month anniversary. Usually we don't do anything special, but he brought me flowers today!

 Sweet afternoon baby snuggles are one of my favorite things. I'm really trying to soak it up and enjoy it, because before I know it she won't want to fall asleep on my shoulder. She'll be too busy running around and playing.

 Tonight on a whim Frank & I decided to go on a "fancy" date to celebrate our anniversary. His daughter had tagged us in a post on Facebook about a couple that got dressed up super fancy and went to a fast food chain restaurant for dinner.

 They took a tablecloth, their own plates, silverware, and fancy drinks. We ended up at Chick-Fil-A and we took some flowers & a fake candle to make it even fancier.

 Yes, I'm eating my french fries with a fork and have my Diet Coke in a fancy margarita glass!

 My handsome husband classied it up with a napkin in his shirt. LOL!

 CHEERS! It was so nice to get away for a little bit to talk & reconnect & laugh & have fun.

As we were sitting there talking, one of the workers came over and gave us 2 soft & warm cookies. She said someone in the drive thru had seen us and bought us these cookies as a treat. We were so touched that a random stranger would do that for us.

Come to find out later, a lady I'm friends with messaged me and said that someone on a Mom group she belongs to on Facebook posted this, "to the Mom having date night at Chick-Fil-A tonight celebrating your anniversary. Table cloth, real dishes, flowers and wine glasses. You and your husband rock!!! I hope you had a wonderful night and wish you many more years of happiness. Happy anniversary!"

So, I joined that Mom group and messaged the lady to tell her THANK YOU & how much it meant to me and Frank. So neat & such a small world!

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