Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Hair, Tummy Time, & Fence Removal

Autumn had a check up this morning to get her ADD meds renewed. She is officially 5'4" tall! After I took her back to school, Frank & I took my car to get the state inspection done and get it washed. We ran into Connie J., who has been a family friend for years, and Frank does handyman work for them every once in a while. It was fun to talk with her and catch up. 

 Frank & Grant found this hair that used to go on one of Autumn's dolls. They decided to put it on the baby to see what she would look like with hair. Um ... not so much! BA HA HA!

 She's doing so much better w/ tummy time and is holding herself up a lot more. I can't get over her cuteness and how fast this is all speeding by.

We've really missed having Autumn home all day. But she's such a huge help when she gets home from school. She takes the baby and feeds her while I get some work done. Bitters usually falls asleep b/c she loves Autumn's comfy mint colored blanket.

Tonight I went over to a family's house in our ward (church congregation) that is having to move in the next few months. They have to put in a new fence, so a bunch of guys & young men from church came over to start tearing it down. They did a great job.

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