Friday, August 31, 2018

Meeting Lexie & Crew For The First Time

 Daddy was helping Bitters to walk, and Mimi was NOT happy. She said to push her over. LOL! Look at those adorable fat rolls on her legs.

 Baby Girl loves it when Autumn comes home from school. Autumn took this picture while Bitters was wrapped up in Autumn's blanket on her lap. She drinks a bottle and watches Baby First TV.

 Lexie & Jon & the boys came up to visit this weekend. I couldn't believe that they haven't met Baby Alisa yet!!!

 Savi's sister, Sofia, is here visiting from El Salvador. It was fun to see her too. We ordered Chinese food for dinner b/c everyone was hungry.

 Alisa had fun playing with her cousins, especially Jackson.

Nick & Savi had this padded helmet for Matthew when he was learning to walk so he wouldn't get bumps & bruises on his head. We thought it was funny and put it on Alisa.

Frank & Grant weren't there b/c they took Spencer half way to spend the weekend with his Mom & brothers. Frank texted me this picture. I'm glad he got to see Julian & Mason for a little bit.

We haven't had a girl's night in a LONG time, so we all got together at Karri's tonight to play games. I didn't get home until 1:30 am. It was SO FUN!!!

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