Saturday, August 25, 2018

Service Saturday

 I posted last week about us taking down a fence for a family in our ward (church congregation). This is what it looked like all taken down. We got a big group of people to come over early this morning and help put up a new fence.

 I learned a lot about fencing. Such as having to put up the cross bars first, and that it doesn't necessarily matter if they're exactly straight (although it looks nicer from the inside if they are).

 Here's our work crew. We only got about 1/4 of the way done b/c they have a huge back yard and we ran out of boards.

Lindsay was the only young woman there. She took the left over pieces of the wood cross timbers that were cut to make them fit, and she arranged them like this.

 I had to leave a little bit before the project wrapped up for the day to go pick up Autumn from cheer practice. Coach Gayle is AMAZING & after practice each Saturday she feeds the girls lunch and has a craft or other activity together to help them build team unity. Today they got to go swimming together.

After we came home & had lunch, I went to a Relief Society presidency meeting at Stephanie's house. We went over visiting teaching assignments and a few other things. I LOVE serving w/ her and Shannon. It's fun, b/c I've also served w/ both of them in Young Women's before.

 This evening we got dressed up and went to Gracie's wedding reception. It was at one of our favorite old fashioned restaurants in a quaint part of down town. She was glowing and looked GORGEOUS!

 Right when we were getting ready to leave, Savi & Matthew showed up. If we'd have known they were coming we could have come together. Darn it! It was still good to see them for a little bit.

Savi is so sweet & Alisa just loves her.

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