Friday, September 7, 2018

My Man

 Frank is so thoughtful & put these beautiful flowers in the planter box on the porch b/c he knows how much I love pretty flowers. It completely brightens up the look of the house.

 He's also such a good Daddy. He works hard and loves hard. He was loving on Bitters while I got some work done, and it got quiet. I looked over and saw this sweet scene.

 He also knows how to fix anything. He's been updating parts on his truck and was so happy when this thing-a-ma-bobby came in the mail. LOL!

 Sweet sisters

 Grant won this big unicorn stuffed animal at a fair, and Bitters looked so cute riding the unicorn.

 We were going to go to the football game tonight, and were all dressed & festive. But, there was a storm w/ lots of lightning that kept delaying the game. Every time there was a flash of lightning they had to reset the clock and couldn't let anyone in for 30 minutes to keep everyone safe. It was going to be getting worse, not better, throughout the evening so we decided to just call it quits and go home.

 We were talking w/ friends in the parking lot while they were deciding what to do, too. We're starting Bitters on the "nectar of the Gods" as Frank calls it. LOL!

Liz & I decided that it's been far too long since we had some "Liz & Lisa" time. We were going to go see a movie, but it was sold out by the time we got there. So, we just went to an Italian restaurant across the street to talk instead. I'm so thankful for her friendship!

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