Poor Alisa threw up last night and it was a clear slimy mucus. Papa is AMAZING & came over to check her out before they went to Stake Conference. I don't take for granted the fact that I have the best pediatrician on call. He said she looked fine. I think she had food poisoning. Poor thing! I didn't go to Stake Conference today just in case she needed to throw up again. There are A LOT of ward boundary changes announced today and I'm sad b/c we will be losing about 30 families. But I'm also happy b/c we're gaining 12 families that I know really well.
GrannyMom & Grampsy are the best. They sent me this picture today of them on their way to church. Frank & the boys got up really early this morning so Frank could take them back since they have school tomorrow.
He also picked up Marissa, Aubrey, & Addilyn and brought them back to stay for about a week. Marissa's boyfriend has been a complete idiot the past few weeks so she packed up all of her stuff with the help of her family up there and moved out. We're super proud of her for making such a hard decision and figured having some distance from him would be a good thing. Plus this way we could love on her and the babies. I hadn't even met Addilyn yet!
It's going to be interesting to see how this week plays out based on how things went in the first 30 minutes of them being here. Both Alisa & Aubrey are divas and haven't had to share toys or space so they were not very good at sharing with each other.
It's hard to believe that I'm a Grandma (by marriage).
It's so fun to see Frank w/ his baby girl and baby granddaughters.
This evening it was a madhouse b/c we had EVERYONE in the living room at one point including Grant & his girlfriend Kelsey. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I love having family close and being together and creating memories.
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