Sunday, October 13, 2019

Single Adult Conference Is OVER!

 Even though I didn't get home until 1:30 am, I was still up and ready for church on time. I had a thought as we were getting ready to walk out the door to grab some snacks & food. I'm super glad I did! All the Single Adults were invited to attend my ward b/c it meets at the best time (not too early and not too late). I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off right after the sacrament. We were expecting maybe 15 - 20 people to show up, but we had about 50 Single Adults there! 

I was freaking out trying to find a place for everyone to meet during 2nd hour. We had told the singles that Elder Gibbons (emeritus 70) would be leading a special Single Adult Come Follow Me discussion. We couldn't meet in the gym like I wanted to b/c another ward uses it. So, we ended up cramming everyone into the High Council room.

While they were doing that, I went and set up the food in the kitchen. Thank goodness we had 4 trays of Olive Garden salad leftover that we put in the fridge. I'm really glad I also brought that extra food from home. I'm also thankful that I had keys to the Relief Society closet so I could use our hodgepodge leftovers of plates & napkins & utensils.

 Everyone I talked to said that Elder Gibbons did a FABULOUS job and that it was such a nice way to end the conference. I'm beyond thankful that the weather was super nice outside so everyone could go out and eat at the pavilion and sit and visit since we didn't have a place in the church to sit and eat.

 This past weekend has been such a HUGE labor of love. I'm so grateful that it is OVER & DONE! It was A LOT of work. But when I look at the smiling faces of these single adults I'm reminded why we did it and that it was worth it.

I came home & crashed for a little while. Then we went over to Papa & Mimi's to share some of the food we had. Nate & Riannon & the kids were there too to watch the football game. Everyone chowed down on the Olive Garden salad, lasagna, & breadsticks.

It cracks me up when Alisa zones into the TV like this. I've missed her & Autumn & Frank & the boys this weekend. It's good to be home and rest. Next week is going to be busy & crazy too but at least it will be doing family stuff instead of church stuff.

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