Saturday, November 2, 2019

Jacob's Baptism

 Today was a special day. Jacob got baptized. He asked if I would lead the music and also be a witness! I was super honored to do both! Especially since the church's policy change that women can be witnesses at baptisms now. It was a lot harder than I thought. The back of Jacob's head didn't go all the way under the water so I had to tell Liberty he had to do it again. And for the closing song we sang, "Gethsemane" and I started crying so much I couldn't even sing anymore.

I'm so thankful for Liz & her family & for the friendship we share. They're friends that are really more like family.

 Alisa looked so cute in her ladybug outfit I found when I got out the size 2T & 3T clothes.

 I left an hour before my nail appointment to go shopping at my favorite clothing store, Catos. I found a few things to spend my birthday money on. Then I went and got my nails done. I did the color change nails this time. When I'm hot, they're this bright pink color and when I'm cold they're the darker color in the middle.

 When I got home, Frank & the girls had just gotten back from WalMart. Frank took Alisa out in this Jasmine jammies outfit. LOL. She LOVES french fries lately and he's such a softie that when she says "frff frff" he gets her fries.

 After I got my nails done I ran next door to a child's consignment store to see if they had any swimsuits for Alisa. We're going on a vacation next year where she'll need some swimsuits and we hit the jackpot. I got 3 swimsuits for just $4 each. YAY!

 Papa & Mimi called and said to come over and eat. We NEVER turn down Mim's cooking, so we loaded up and went over. It's fun to see Alisa sitting in this chair, b/c it's one from when I was a little baby.

 She'll snuggle up to anyone that has a phone and her favorite is "Wheels On The Bus."

 I also found this ADORABLE outfit at the kid's consignment store for just $5. I had to have it! Frank is the best Daddy ever. He put Alisa on the frame of this baby stroller and wheeled her around the living room. Her facial expression says it all.

Autumn decided to raid my closet tonight to see if she could find a new dress for church tomorrow. This one is way too big on her, but we gathered it in the back and I think it looks adorable on her. Although I don't like how grown up she looks! She's such a beautiful young lady both inside and out (minus the tweenage attitude and eye-rolling).

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