Friday, November 1, 2019

Late Night With Alisa

Alisa kept me up most of last night. She woke up doing her hurt cry around 12:30 am and I thought she was constipated. I stayed up with her watching Baby First TV until 2:30. I put her back to bed and she was fine until 4:00 when she woke up screaming again. I gave her a warm bath and she burped and tooted and then was fine and played for a good 45 minutes as if it were the middle of the day instead of super early in the morning. It's a good thing she's so cute b/c otherwise I would be so annoyed at getting little to no sleep. Turns out it was just gas, not constipation. Poor thing!

 Frank took one handyman job for someone that we know, and it involved this huge 20 foot ladder! I'm glad he had Spencer with him to help him load it, carry it, and unload it. Frank realized after this job that his body isn't totally healed yet and that he still needs to take it easy.

I was so tired from Alisa's late night gas that I took a little snooze on the couch when Autumn got home from school. Alisa snuggled up next to me but didn't show any signs at all of being tired from the night. Cute little stinker. 

 We were running low on groceries, so Frank & I went to Winco to stock up. Alisa was our adorable shopping companion. She loved wearing this Halloween hat (for about 30 seconds).

Even though it was just grocery shopping, I LOVE getting to spend time w/ Frank. He makes things fun no matter what we're doing. I don't shop at Winco all the time, but it's great. We got 2 shopping carts of groceries for $125! Winco for the WIN!

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