I got the kids off to seminary & school this morning and then we went up to the hospital to get Frank. One of the nurses was really cute and gave Alisa this hand balloon to play with to keep her entertained.
She changed his bandages & took out the drain tube so I had to snap a picture so Frank could see what his neck looks like.
While they were getting him ready to be released, I went on a walk w/ Alisa b/c she was getting restless. She liked looking down at the people in the lobby. When we got back from our walk, Frank had showered, gotten dressed, and was ready to go. He didn't want to be there in the first place, so he pushed for them to release him before noon.
Alisa was so tired this afternoon that I put her in the car early to go get Spencer from school and she fell asleep as soon as we started driving. I stayed in the car w/ her when we got home so she'd stay asleep. I've been doing this a lot lately. It's just the phase of life we're in.
Frank has been feeling great and is surprised a how little it hurts. My Dad warned him it's usually the 2nd or 3rd day that it starts to hurt. Autumn put this Princess Leia get up on him, complete with a pink cowgirl hat & pink scrunchie. He's such a good sport.
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