Friday, March 13, 2020

Trip To Oklahoma

 Frank was supposed to get the boys starting today b/c it's their spring break next week. But with all these COVID-19 shutdowns of schools it doesn't matter for the next few weeks.

 The boys wanted to go see a movie and Frank tried taking Alisa, but that lasted for all of about 3 minutes. There's no way she was going to sit still and watch a movie. So, he ended up out in the parking lot in the truck w/ her while she took a nap and the boys stayed and watched the movie.

 Alisa got to hang out with Grampsy & GrannyMom. Look at how dark Grampsy's skin is compared to Alisa's!

GrannyMom is so much fun! Alisa LOVES this pink teddybear that she gets to play with whenever she goes up there.

Autumn was at a friend's house, so I had the whole house to MYSELF! That never happens. I ordered Cheddar's food on the way home so I didn't have to cook myself dinner. I sat on the couch, ate my food, and caught up on all my recorded shows that I haven't had time to watch. It was GLORIOUS!

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