Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day 2020

Dad got me an orchid corsage just like he has ever since Autumn was born. I made sure to wear it today.

This morning Frank woke up and said he felt like we needed to go to Oklahoma to see his Mom. So, on the spur of a moment, we loaded up the car and hit the road. Alisa looking cool in my sunglasses.

I LOVE purple thistle blossoms and we pulled over on the side of the road so I could get a picture of these. There's a bee on the bottom right-hand side of the purple blossom.

We brought our table and everything to do the sacrament with them. We stayed outside, wore our masks, and tried to social distance.

Alisa kept running up to the porch and would see a bee and come running back down the driveway.

She and I walked around for a little bit so Frank & his parents could have a conversation in peace and quiet without being interrupted every 5 seconds. We went and waved to the cows in the neighboring pasture.

Then we went and said hi to the chickens and found a dandelion puff.

I'm thankful for the shade and a nice breeze, which made it tolerable to be outside. It was so wonderful to see them and spend just an hour with them. I'm thankful for such loving and caring in-laws. GrannyMom is a remarkable woman and I aspire to be like her.

Alisa was sleepy on the way home. I made sure to bring her blanket and teddy bear so she'd nap and not be a hellion.

I had to get a picture with my 2 baby girls. I'm so thankful to be a mother to these 2 and also Marissa and the boys. I also miss Jason's 3 oldest kids that I got to be a step-Mom to for a while.

I'm beyond thankful for my own Mom who taught me how to be a great mother. I never understood just how much sacrifice and love goes into being a mother until I became one myself. She's amazing and I am grateful I get to be her daughter.

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