Saturday, January 5, 2008

8th Annual Johnson New Years Pool Party: 2008

8th Annual Johnson New Years Pool Party: 2008
Saturday (8 letters), 5 January (8 characters), 2008

It is with great pleasure, and excitement, that we are extending this invitation to the 8th Annual Johnson New Years Pool Party. We know last July, when the temperature was melting the tar off the road, and people thought you were a fountain you had so much sweat pouring off you, that all you could think about was a New Years Pool Party!!! You therefore have the privilege, honor, recognition, distinction, prestige, esteem, excitement, virtues, acclaim, fame, veneration, character, principles, courage, goodness, honesty, values, purity, uprightness, adoration, credit, pleasure, respect, accolades, commitment, faithfulness, magnificence, acclamation, commendations, kudos, recognition, confidence, braggadocio, and mostly gonads (that will turn to raisins…) to take the plunge!!!

As usual, the “party entrance fee” (per person) is a wrapped gift that cost less than $8.00. These may be “won” by those who go into the pool. For those who need a reminder, or have forgotten, “going into the pool” can be interpreted according to what the judge wants it to be. This year the judge will be the individual who best exemplifies “8”.

In addition to this being the 8th pool party, other significant events with an 8 include:

8 is the age of accountability and being baptized
8 is the number of reindeer pulling Santa’s sleigh (excluding Rudolph)
8 is the favorite number for snowmen
8 is the favorite number for bad golfers
8 is the favorite number of the Lone Ranger when he is laying on his side
8 is the number for witnesses
8 is great (great quote)
8 maids a milking
8 is for Ruth
8 is for Mosiah
8 is for Oliver Cowdery
8 is for 2nd Corinthians
8 is when you are full
8 with a “G” is what you walk through
8 with a “H” is not very nice
8 with a “D” is something Nick wants
8 with a “L” is something you don’t want to be
8 with a “M” is something you like
8 with a “N” is a missionary

The party will start at 1108 (Nick has to work at 2:00 PM).
Please come in through the pool G-8.
Please come with your kids and your M-8.
Please bring your gifts and do not be L-8.
Plan to get in the pool and not test your F-8.
We hope this party will be GR-8 and we know you can hardly W-8!!!

(That is the invite that Dad typed up and emailed to everyone.)

We got up and went outside to clean up the patio. Guess what we found in the pool...that's right, a dead rat! GROSS! Good thing the pool is full of chemicals.

We were in silly moods and Lexie was pushing Andrew around and around the kitchen on this little bike and then decided she wanted to try it herself. We were laughing so hard.

It was a GORGEOUS day and was 75 degrees with a light breeze. Here's some of the party-goers.

Here's the other group of party -goers. We had soup, sandwiches, chips, dip, and drinks. It was quite the feast.

Autumn did such a good job of walking across the tanning bed and was so proud of herself.

I hadn't planned on getting in, b/c I've been really sick with a cold and horrible cough. But after cleaning up outside and getting ready for the party, I had worked up a sweat in the 75 degree weather and wanted to cool down. But the water was 44 degrees, so I had to psych myself up to do it.

I definitely don't get any points for the smallest splash. It was so cold and shocking, but it also felt really good. I made a mad dash for the hot tub after coming up to the surface.

Here's the crew that got in this year. It's amazing that we fit 17 people in this little hot tub, but we did.

Everyone stayed for a while after we opened our white elephant gifts to eat, watch football, talk, laugh, and just have fun. I am so glad that my parents are such party animals and that they like to have people over, have fun, and create memories. It was a Gr-8 day!


Sloane said...

I can't imagine 75 degrees for New Years. Try 23 degrees in NYC.

~Penny~ said...

I just read your comment to Sloane when i was leaving her one. Are you ok girl?

Things seems crazy! Do NOT let him make you feel that way. You are doing your best, the best you know how right now, no thanks to him. If it wasn't for him you would not be in this predicament. Ok, let me stop before I go off on a rant but seriously!! Remember: Time heals a wounds and today is not permanent.

Stay strong sista!