Saturday, January 5, 2008

Close call

I went to pick up Nick from work at 10:00 at night. We were driving down the road, and it's a road with two lanes going south, a big grassy median in the middle, and two lanes going north. We were in the right lane of the south lanes when all of a sudden we see a black car with just one headlight working coming right at us (he was going the wrong way). I couldn't dodge the car, b/c we would have hit the curb and flipped. But luckily at the last minute he swerved into the other lane and just barely missed us. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw that he did the same thing to the car behind us and barely missed them. It was like he was trying to play "chicken" with us.

About 100 yards up the road, we see a white car that was hit on the driver's side in the middle of the road, so we pulled over and ran over to see if we could help. I guess this IDIOT had hit the white car (again, going the wrong way down the street), reversed, went around her, and that's when he almost hit us. There were 2 other people there who had called the police and Nick let the lady in the white car use his cell phone to call her husband. She seemed OK and was talking, but we told her to stay sitting in her car until the paramedics arrived.

Finally the fire truck came, and we left after that b/c we hadn't seen it happen and they didn't need us. I'm glad we could help and that that was the only damage done. Some people drove by and told us they had followed the idiot driver and gotten his license plate number, given it to the police, and that he had been arrested further up the road. I don't know if he was drunk, or high, or what. But I'm so thankful the lady in the white car (and that Nick and I) were OK. SCARY!

(This is kind of what the guy's car looked like when he was coming towards us, except the license plate wasn't in Arabic. I'm amazed he could even drive his car after hitting that white car).

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