I don't know about y'all, but I
love the movie Chocolat. I love Juliette Binoche's clothes in the movie. I wish I was cute and skinny and petite like her so I could pull off great dresses. I love the story line, I love the villain, I love all the characters, it's so romantic, Vianne is her own person and is so unique and doesn't care what people think about her, but most of all I love the chocolate. Every time I watch it, I CRAVE chocolate. And every time I watch it I think how much fun it would be to have a girls night in where we make fudge, have a chocolate fountain, and watch this movie. Doesn't that sound like fun? One of these days I'll have to plan something like that instead of just thinking about it every time I watch this movie.
Do any of how have great ideas like the chocolate party that you just haven't tried out yet?
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Hmmm. interesting comment ^
Can i come to this party?? No, seriously....can i?
I love the book even more. Mum and I always put the soundtrack to the movie on when we are cooking. It makes us feel pixie like and... you know.. industrious.
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I miss you, Foofie! Give my love to the Baby Foof Autumn Bottom. I can't wait to see y'all again. I can't wait for summer vacation either. Sex And The City Movie is coming out in May, not to mention Prince Caspian (the new Chronicles of Narnia movie)! I can't wait!!! Love ya
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